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AbOut us 

Why we help


It has been proven by research and educational professionals that learning outside of the classroom is invaluable. 

The impact of missing out of classroom experiences is great but there is also a stigma surrounding missing out. Many children feel embarrassment or have a decreased view of their own self worth because they cannot do what their friends are doing. 

Parents and guardians already have to make great financial sacrifices.  Some even pay for their children to go on a school trip with money they don’t have. 

Schools have even told us that they have limited the offering of trips and experiences for pupils because of the financial burden on parents and guardians. 

Who we help


Ultimately we help children, parents and schools. 

Children are supported by us to be able to go on school trips and broaden their learning experience. Learning by being taught is one thing learning by emersion is another. 

We care about parents, guardians and carers who are already under tremendous levels of stress in the midst of inflation and a cost of living crisis. We help them to be able to give their children everything they can without the financial restrictions. 

And finally we support schools to meet very tight financial budgets and allow them to explore expanding and increasing their out of classroom learning experience. 

how we help

Image by Katt Yukawa

Simply, we help financially we are primarily funded through donations and generosity. One school trip can change the course of a child’s life.  

Practically we direct your money in one of three ways. 

1. We fund specific school trips for specific children. 

2. We fund Schools who apply for funding to run certain types of trips. 

3. We fund parents directly keeping our donations anonymous from the school or anybody else. 

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